Trust House Biathlon Spring Series 2023, Mens Shed, Henley Lake, Masterton.
Summer Series started Thursday 16 January 2025.
Our fees remain the same as last year, $42 for a year. We also have the option of a $10.50 Annual Membership fee with $2 / night for the Biathlon or Mountain Biking events. Kids are free.
To provide more options for those amongst us who don't like the road cycling component, we're adding the option of a 10km easy trail ride. The 20km road bike option remains as before, but this year, the biathlon course will have a bit of disruption with the replacement of the South-bound bridge over the Waipoua river at Colombo Road. We therefore have a traffic light to contend with but we're working with Council to find a solution around that.
Biathlon (post event) social nights: Event dates and places be confirmed.
Go to Membership page here for new season (2024 September to 2025 August) entry form.
2025 Breadcraft Kids Triathlon (36th year)
Mondays 10 and 24 February, Monday 3 March 2025.
Event now completed. See our Facebook page for lots of photos from the event, taken by Catherine Rossiter-Stead.
Results for Race 1: Click here
Results for Race 2: Click here
Results for Race 3: Click here
The Wairarapa Cross Duathlon, Mountain Bike and Trail Run, replacing the 36th Annual Wairarapa Mountain Run and Duathlon
Go here for more information.
Carterton Mountain Bike Track
End of Dalefield Road, Carterton.
For working bees, contact Andrew or 027 2170134, if you'd like to help.
Monday night Mountain Bike Rides
Spring and Summer months.
Start date to be advised several regulars have other commitments at present, so we need someone to run this event. Please let us know if you're able to do it.
Meet by 6pm at place to be advised.
Depending on the ride planned, we will either leave on bikes or carpool to a venue.
1 - 1.5 hours, average ability.
Until these rides resume, the only organized mountain biking is the Thursday night Biathlon.